Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 14, 2014---Michelle’s in Loveland, Colorado

Some things have come to light about my venture to the ER.  First, only two people were allowed in the room with me.  Good old Bill, being the sweet, kind person he is let Meredith and Michelle take his place.  What a guy!

Second, Meredith wishes there had been a video running when the fireman “caught” me coming out of the motorhome.  She thinks it would have gone viral.  I think she was right.  That fireman was “drop dead gorgeous.”  I may have been sick, but I was still conscious.

And in the third place, when a nurse ask me if I could sign some papers, I said I thought I could.  Then she touched me and said I hadn’t finished.  I had gone to sleep.  Oh, my!  Maybe I was further gone than I thought.

Several weeks ago, Michelle and I had signed up to take a glass fusion class.  I had to drag my weary body out of my nice warm bed this morning.  It was very hard to do, but we had a great time, and made some nice new friends,

Connor thought a smoothie would make me feel better, and it did.  He really knows how to pamper his abuela.  With him in my corner, things are bound to get better.

I took a long nap when I got home.  I slept through a thunder storm, hard rain, maybe even some wind and hail.  You couldn’t prove it by me.  I was doing a good imitation of Rip’s wife.

We went to Meredith and Dwaine’s for fondue.  It is the first solid food I have had in a few days, and it was really good.  I only allowed myself to small amount.  But I shared with Joey!

Please excuse any typos!

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