Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday, December 5, 2016

From COLD Loveland, CO

Bill and I went to Arby's for lunch, they always have a great special of when the Broncos have made 2 touchdowns in the last game. Their roast beef sandwich is $1. After that Bill and I spent 1 1/2 hours looking for the neurologist that had been recommended to us. We never did find him, his office has moved. Bill looked in the phone book and could not find him, so we will have to continue the search tomorrow. We were both very frustrated. I went on the my therapy at 2:30, we got home and rested until dinner was ready. Matthew was the only "chick in the hen house". After we ate, we sat and told told stories, Matthew was in a particularly jolly mood, he sat at the table and laughed at our stories. It was a nice way to finish a frustrating day. 

Weather wise: The temperature dropped 21 degrees between 1pm - 3pm. The wind gusts were 50mph from north.  Matthew laughed at the image of me blowing away to Kansas with the wind. 

Michelle and I are cheering that we are getting snow tomorrow, of course Bill is grumbling!

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