Friday, February 27, 2015

February 27, 2015--Michelle’s in Loveland, CO.

During the night, we had several more inches of snow.  Tippy loves jumping in the piles of snow.  He thinks snow shoveling is just for his entertainment. 

We had just a few flakes of snow today, but it was very cold even though the sun was shining a lot of the time.

I had an appointment with the ear doctor this afternoon.  The hearing test on my left side showed a slight bit if improvement.  It is doubtful that a hearing aid will help, but we will try.  I go back for more testing in about three weeks, so we will see if there is any change. 

Lori, Bill, and I had dinner with Meredith and Dwaine tonight.  It was very cold by the time we got home and our hot water pipes had frozen.  So much for cold snowy weather.

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