January 31, 2013
This morning we went caching with Todd. There was a special challenge series. It consisted of ten caches. The idea behind the challenge was from your records of your events...most cashes in the day, most cashes in a year, 25 large caches, 10 events attended, etc. etc. etc. It was an interesting idea for a bunch of caches.
After returning home we decided it was a good day for a Walmart run. They were super crowded. While I waited in line to check out, Bill went next door to get Panda Express for lunch.
At 1:00, we left with Todd and Bonnie. Our first stop was at the Marine Base to get our passes for the Barry Goldwater Bombing Range. There are many, many caches on the range which can only be accessed with a special pass. Don’t worry, Brent. I’ll try really hard not to start WW3.
We stopped at Sam’s Club for gasoline before heading for Algodones, Mexico for our dental appointments. When we crossed the Colorado River into California Bill honked the wimpy Honda Horn while the rest of us yelled “yahoo.” Todd yelled loudest of all!
We parked on the US side and walked across the border. It was quite a walk up to the dentist office. I was glad Bonnie was with us to lead the way. We were early for our appointments, and had to wait even passed our scheduled time. It gave new meaning to “a Mexican minute.”
My appointment took way longer than Bill’s. We planned to eat at a restaurant before crossing back across the border, but the one we knew of was closed, so we drove back into Yuma for dinner.