Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 13, 2013

Bill went to Home Depot this morning to get our new refrigerator.  Brent’s next door neighbor, Mr. Bill, took Pa in his pickup.  Brent was there to help with the unloading and unpacking.  They removed both doors before attempting to get it into the motorhome.  

Bill and Brent were very tired when they finally got it in place.  Bill plugged it in and it got cold very quickly.  Our inverter should be here Monday and once it gets installed that project should be finished.

At 4:00, we went to Mike and Amy’s for a crawfish boil.  It was a party for Mike’s 30th birthday.  There were about 40 adults there, a dozen kids, and four or five dogs.  Things never got dull. 

Amy had hired a DJ and the music was very loud.  It rocked the backyard. One of the next door neighbor’s, who is disgruntled about some things between the neighbors, called the police twice.  I have to admit it was loud, but it was the middle of the afternoon.  Had it been at midnight I would have agreed with the complaint, but I think there were “sour grapes” involved.  

Bill came later, after a well deserved nap, but he didn’t stay long. The music was way too loud for him. 

Brent took a picture of the officer handcuffing me and sent it to his sisters with the caption “Our mom the rebel!.”  Meredith was the only one who responded.  Her comment was “I knew it would happen sooner or later.”  So far, the other sibs haven’t chimed in.  Maybe they are out trying to arrange bail.

I came home at 8:00.  Bill and I watched the NASCAR race from Texas.  That was a great way to end a very busy day.

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