Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, 2011

September 11, 2011

As many of you know, quite often my memory is pathetic.  It’s interesting, though, that there are things of importance, mainly to the world, that I remember where I was when I heard about the occurrence.

On 9-11-01, we were just getting ready to leave the Susanville, California Walmart parking lot when Lori called and said “Turn your TV on.”  Just as we did, the second plane hit the tower.  It was horrifying.  We stayed there all day watching the events unfold.

I also remember the day that John F. Kennedy was assassinated.  It was such a tragedy for this country.  I was in my classroom when I heard the news.  As opposed to that day was the first USA man launched into space.  Once again I was in my classroom.  We were overjoyed by that happening.

My family was living in Neodesha, Kansas during the last part of World War II.  One day we went to a movie.  When we came out of the theater people were in the street rejoicing, crying, cheering...a multitude of emotions.  The war was over!!!  It was something I’ll never forget.

My memory is locked around these events...some with happy thoughts and some with much sadness.  I guess that’s life!!!

1 comment:

  1. Those are key moments in life that I should write down for future generations to know. - Michelle
