Sunday, December 27, 2015

December 27, 2015—An RV lot in Yuma, Arizona

The weather was better today.  We had some wind, but nothing like yesterday.  However, it was colder today.  I told Bill I thought it might snow and the look he gave me was anything but nice!

We went to Cowboy Country Church this morning.  The music was wonderful, as usual.  Jack, the preacher, shared some good  thoughts.  He was a bit wordy, though.  The music is more inspirational than anything, but that is the way I’ve always felt about it.

After going out to lunch with Todd, Bonnie, Bill, and Ardeen, we went home for naps.  In case you are confused, there are several “Bills” in the group.  We sometimes feel like we are calling roll.

The rest of the day was spent watching football and some old TV programs.  We are enjoying the tapes of “Scarecrow and Mrs. King,” which we got for Christmas.  Thanks, Meredith and Michelle. 

We also watched some Zorro episodes.  I talked to JP tonight and completely forgot to tell him something very important.  The “hand” showed.  Zorro’s horse had to stay secure and still be immediately ready for action.  Someone behind the wall would hold Toronado’s rein.  Several times the “holder” would not move fast enough to get out of the way.  When JP and Natalia watched Zorro with us in the MH, we always watched for the “hand.”  I remember it caused much laughter and cheering.  Jo, one of our favorite “desert rat friends,” watched Zorro with us many times and knew about the “hand.”  We certainly are easy to entertain.

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