Thursday, November 12, 2015

November 12, 2015—Jim and Peggy’s house in Santa Fe, New Mexico

I slept late this morning because I was still tired from our trip.  It was nice to not have to get up and head down the highway. The trip here to Santa Fe laws about 450 miles.  In the “good old days” that would have been a one-day trip for us.  No more!  Neither one of us have as much stamina as we used to.

Bill and Jim had an errand to do at noon.  I went in the house and spent time visiting with Peggy.  We never seem to run out of things to talk about.  She is working on a quilt, so that took a lot of conversation time.  She has a fancy new sewing machine and showed me some things she could do with it.

Jim and Peggy had a community meeting to go to tonight. They are wanting to extend the bike trail into Santa Fe.  Peggy would like that because she would like to be able to ride her bike to town, but she doesn't like to ride out on the highway.  I don't think anything was decided, but it sounded like a typical town hall meeting anywhere.

The weather has been cold all day. Peggy made a big crock pot full of soup that cooked all day long. It really hit the spot. This is perfect soup weather.

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