Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29, 2015---Michelle’s House

During the night, we had a terrible thunder storm.  It was bright and loud, right overhead.  I watched it for awhile, but finally went to sleep.  There was some rain, but mainly thunder.

David came at 12:30 and we immediately set off on a walk.  We went to a park in the neighborhood and added distance to the walk we did on Wednesday.  I am able to walk further and don’t have to take as many rest breaks.  This weekend, I would like to figure the distance of each route that I walk.

After making a stop at Walmart for a few grocery items, we drove to Natalia’s school in Fort Collins.  Today was her graduation.  There were five girls finishing their training today.  It was a very short ceremony.  

When we left Walmart it was raining very hard, and still raining when we got to Natalia’s school.  I was sopping wet afterwards.  Wet hair is never a pleasant thing for me.  I looked like a drowned rat at graduation.

Natalia is on the right, in the white sweater.
Natalia and Miss Lana, the owner of the school.

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